Summer Wrap-Up Read-A-Thon

Starts today and ends on August 12th. You can read whatever you want and as much or little as you want. If you can only participate during a few days of the read-a-thon that is okay too. You don't have to have a blog, feel free to follow along on twitter, goodreads, or facebook. They will be tweeting with hashtag #SWUR. They have a ton of fabulous challenges and giveaways planned. Click on image or their links to join in the fun.
I love read-a-thons, heck I love any excuse to read but I like chatting with fellow
book lovers and this is the perfect format.
Here are my reading goals:
Every Day
Beautiful Disaster
Dream of Me
City of Demons
I Hunt Serial Killers
The Uninvited
On the Island
The Taken
Destined for An Early Grave
Juliet Immortal
In a Fix
In a Fix
Now the titles may all change but I'd like to read at least one a day.
I will post my progress here nightly.
I will post my progress here nightly.
Saturday Aug 4 - Finished Blackwood by Gwenda Bond
Started: Beautiful Disaster
pages read:. 516
Sunday Aug 5- Finished: Beautiful Disaster
Started: In A Fix
pages read: 276
Monday Aug 6th- Finished: In A Fix by Linda Grimes
Started: Dream of Me by Jennifer Froelich
pages read: 334
Tuesday Aug 7th- Finished: 0
Started: Beautiful Disaster
pages read:. 516
Sunday Aug 5- Finished: Beautiful Disaster
Started: In A Fix
pages read: 276
Monday Aug 6th- Finished: In A Fix by Linda Grimes
Started: Dream of Me by Jennifer Froelich
pages read: 334
Tuesday Aug 7th- Finished: 0
pages: 100
Wednesday Aug 8th- Finished: Dream of Me by Jennifer Froelich
Started: Seawitch by Kat Richardson
pages: 215
Thursday Aug 9th- Finished: Seawitch by Kat Richardson
Started: Juliet Immortal by Stacey Jay
pages: 238
Friday Aug 10th- Finished: 0
Started: 0
pages: 100
Saturday Aug 11th- Finished: Juliet Immortal by Stacey Jay
Started: City of Demons by Kevin Harkness
pages: 207
Sunday Aug 12th- Finished: 0
pages: 125
Well, I managed to read 6 books and started a 7th. I participated in a few challenges and accomplished some goals. Thanks to the hosts who sponsored this read-a-thon :)
From Wicked @Wickedly Bookish Books
Find the Book Cover : Find the following item(s) on a book cover:
A teeny bikni
Beach umbrella
Oceanscape or a beach scene
An American flag (4th of July)
Lemonade/Iced Tea
Camping equipment (tent, sleeping bag, etc.)
Swimming Pool
Sun bather
My finds:
the sun:
teeny bikini:
beach umbrella:
ocean or beach scene:
an American flag:
ice Tea/ lemonade:
swimming Pool:
Eek gads ..thanks for the challenge Wickedly Bookish :)
Trini @ A Book-lovers' Review hosted the following challenge:
I need for you to create a small but fun post with a
1. list characters (as many as you want) that you thing are
HOTTER than Summer
2. Add the book title or book cover
3. Put your rating
4. Link up your review (Amazon, blog, Goodreads, etc.)
5. explain why you picked him or her.
Here is my list:
Rad Beaumont from Sweet Chaos:
My rating: 5 cups of steamy hot coffee
Smoking Hot Chaos Demon
Gabriel St. John, the Marquess of Ralston
Smoking Hot Chaos Demon
Gabriel St. John, the Marquess of Ralston
My rating : 5 cups of frothy coffee
breathtakingly gorgeous and a notorious rake
My Rating: 5 cups of spicy coffee
Vampire, Agent, romantic
Well that was fun and hot! thanks Trini!
Challenge from Emily @ Falling for YA
Cover Love Challenge -show covers of books released in the summer that you love.
my picks:
(love the cover may not have read book)
Never More by James Patterson
The Queen's Vow by C.W. Gortner
The Last Bastion of the Living
by Rhiannon Frater
Of course I could list a hundred more covers I adore, but choose one from a few genres I adore :)
Labels: fun, read-a-thon, Social Networking, Summer Wrap-up
You are not only doing a great job reading but you are doing an awesome job on those challenges!! Woohoo!
Thats a pretty good list! good luck!
You got me beat with the reviews. I have not reviewed a single one of the books I read yet. Shame on me, but with all this read-a-thon-ing I have been doing in july and august I am FINALLY ahead on my review book schedule for the first time ever. I am super excited about it.
You did awesome Kimba! Are you doing Bout-of books read-a-thon this week? I signed up for both before realizing they were back to back so I am still in read-a-thon mode haha.
I really liked Beautiful Disaster, there are so many mixed reviews one it, I loved it. Here's hoping you like it too!
Happy Reading! :)
I was signed up, but was also signed up for the Back to School read a thon, so i backed out of Bout ;(
Thanks Jude, I am about one hundred pages in and so far I am enjoying it..its different.
I can't wait to see what you think of some of these! Beautiful Disaster is my next read. After all love and hate reviews, I'm really curious about it. Good luck! :)
I just started Beautiful Disaster ;)
Thanks Michelle :) may only be a pipe dream..but I am going to try. I will succeed today as I am 3/4th finished..LOL
Always so happy to see friends participating in the same challenges I am! One book a day - how I wish I could read that fast! I'm so envious of fast readers lol. Good luck! :-)
Eep..i cannot wait to read it! Ha I increase me reading during read-a-thons!
I'm totally cutting down on my read-a-thons as they cut into my reading time! lol...But best of luck!
And I just finished Every Day yesterday...and OMG! Can't wait to see what you think...
Sounds fun! I am terrible at RATs, I always end up finding myself on the computer! LOL. But I'm determined to get through a few books next week, so maybe I should join...maybe! hehe
Ha..i know the feeling. I tend to do only one challenge and only make comments in the I get my reading done. You should totally join my Fraterfest in October :)
Ooooh, that sounds awesome! I just checked it out and I'm totally going to join... right now.
I am forever the optimist :)
That's a lot of books for your challenge, Kim!
I hope you manage to get through it. :)
Good luck!
It's been fun :)
13 books? Wow!
I loved I Hunt Killers, and want to read Every Day so much!!!
Happy reading! :)
Thanks Jen :)
nope i friggin loved it :)
Yay :D! and the author is going to release the book of Travis POV :DD!!! sadly that one won't come out until 2013 :( Still, so glad you liked it :D!
Best of luck Kimba! :)
Thanks cupcake!
lol, not sure if the different part is a good sign or not :P
Great progress so far! I am also participating in this Read-A-Thon =D
Thanks Becky I am having fun and hope you are too :)
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