The Sunday Post ~sharing blog news and book haul
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.I have to laugh, this weeks book haul is very eclectic which is exactly how my bookshelf looks. I read all genres from horror to romance; YA and adult. I love mixing things up! I get burned out if I read the same genre day in and day out. How about you?
Last week on the blog I brought you:
- Taking on the Dead by Annie Walls (review-giveaway)
- The Sundering by Megg Jenson (excerpt-giveaway)
- I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga (review-giveaway)
- The Twelve by Justin Cronin (review-giveaway)
- Audrey's Guide to Witchcraft (review-giveaway)
- Alice in Zombieland by Gene Showalter (review-giveaway)
- How the Heck Did You Do That?? (Blogger tips and tricks #3)
- Unforeseen by Lauren Grimley (guest post- giveaway)
This week on the blog look for:
- Pretty When She Kills by Rhiannon Frater (review-giveaway)
- Phantom by Laura DeLuca (spotlight-giveaway)
- Blood by Moonlight by Jocelynn Drake, Terri Garey, and Caris Roane (review-giveaway)
- Spooktacular Blog Hop (giveaway)
- The Restorer by Amanda Stevens (review-giveaway)
- Rot and Ruin by Jonathan Maberry (review
- Foretold: 14 Tales of Prophecy and Prediction edited by Carrie Ryan (review-giveaway)
Around the Blogosphere:
- Check out Brodie@Elesinian Mysteries and her guest post "Converting A Reluctant YA Reader, Dr. Suess Style." It is positively hilarious!
- Lisa @ Paranormal and Urban Fantasy Reviews started a new feature called "News You Can Use". She offers information about books, blogs, authors and other interesting tid-bits. Love this new feature!
Book Haul:
For Review:
His Mistress by Christmas by Victoria Alexander
courtesy of Kensington books.
The Uninvited by Liz Jensen
courtesy of Bloomsbury USA
Uses for Boys by Erica Lorraine Scheidt
courtesy of St. Martin Press
Won or was Gifted:
Run the Risk by Lori Foster
won from Jess @ Gone with the Words
Bought or Downloaded:

That's my news!
What's new in your world?
The Uninvited by Liz Jensen
courtesy of Bloomsbury USA
Uses for Boys by Erica Lorraine Scheidt
courtesy of St. Martin Press
Won or was Gifted:
Run the Risk by Lori Foster
won from Jess @ Gone with the Words
Bought or Downloaded:
That's my news!
What's new in your world?
Labels: blogger community events, Bloomsbury books, book haul, Kensington Books, St. Martin's Press, Sunday Post
you had a pretty awesome week yourself :) I am totally eyeing His Mistress by Christmas, and I'm sure I will be around plenty this coming week too, looks like you have some really fun events coming up! Book Savvy Babe
It's good to have a variety of books and genres. I refuse to narrow myself to one or two, there are too many good books out there. Enjoy!
Looking forward to what you think of The Uninvited, Kimba! It just sounds so deliciously creepy :) Also everyone talks about Lori Foster, I'd better read her too! Enjoy all your lovely books!
Ooh, Uses For Boys! I love the description of that one :) Great haul! And I'm looking forward to your review of Foretold, I won a signed copy but haven't had time to read it yet.
Here's my StS
The Uninvited sounds totally freaky!! I'll be keeping my eye out for your review on that one.
I'm not normally a romance kinda gal, but I just love the cover for His Mistress by Christmas! So pretty!! And I just love Christmas books as well.
Hope you enjoy all your goodies, Kimba!
Here's my Stacking The Shelves: just had me racing to GR to check out the blue cover and I like that one too, although this one is creepy! I read very few contemporary especially YA, and am excited about Uses for Boys..although I think it is going to be more of a heart string book.
The Uninvited looks so creepy! I like the other cover better, though, the blue one. Also, I hope Uses for Boys is sort of hilarious and quirky, which is what I imagine, because the title makes me giggle.
thanks Melissa :)
Awesome posts last week, I'm looking forward to everything you've got going on this week too. :)
Ooh I can not read a series back to back and need to leave a min of 2 weeks in between or i burn out :(
Ha, you sound like me I am a total sucker for holiday themed get's me in the holiday mood and I cannot wait to read Uninvited!
Doesn't it though, the synopsis said if you like Cronin's the Passage and I like totally freaked out and had to get it!!
Thanks Heather..are you a sucker for holiday themed books like me..i drool over them..they get me in the holiday mood!
Sweet, I read a review of book four for the Gone series, and have got to try it. Pretty When She so good! Enjoy!
I downloaded Gone as well, I'm super curious! Oh and I also bought Pretty When She Dies and I'm really curious! Not enough time to get my halloween reads done!
Great week on your blog!
Amber Elise @ Du Livre
Thanks Danielle :)
Nice that you won it!
I am hoping to get to it soon, just need to read a few ARC's first and you are so welcome!
Great book haul! The Uninvited looks creepy! And I can't wait to read Uses For Boys.
Enjoy the books!
Thanks Andrea I feel the same
Thanks Angie and congrats!
I got Use for Boys, too! It sounds really good! :D
Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews
Thanks Marie and I cannot wait to read it!
Great haul, Kimberly! I really want to read Run the Risk. I hope you enjoy all your books! :-)
Here's my Stacking
the Shelves if you'd like to see what I got this week. :-)
Thanks Diana and I love the cover too!
The cover of THE UNINVITED is fabulous! I'm looking forward to the Spooktacular Giveaway Hop. Should be awesome!
Thanks Heather :)
I LOVE the cover for Uses for Boys! I haven't read any reviews yet so I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it, Kimba:)
Me too Grace..i am a sucker for holiday themed books!
I read a review of book four and decided to give it a go..we shall see!
Great week. The Uninvited has a creepy cover. And I've heard mixed reviews about Gone. Hope you enjoy your books.
Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know
:) a girl after my own heart!
That is an eclectic mix! Just how I like it too! Great haul!
thanks Jessica
OOoh nice! Haven't read any of these but I hope you enjoy all of them! Congrats on your win or gift!
Here's my STS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
I got that book..thanks to you!! have to read her Graveyard Queen series..i love them, love them, love them!!
I so want to read a book by Stevens :)
I like the cover too...i am not a huge fan of
contemporary, especially YA..but it called to me!
Lovely Haul!!! I love that you have books from all different genres because too much of a good thing can turn into a bad thing if you get tired of it. Enjoy your books and I must say that i love the Cover for Uses for Boys and the title LOL
They say fans of Cronin will love i HAD to grab it!
I am so looking forward to reading it!
Ooo you won Run the Risk too! I hope you enjoy your books and I can't wait to read all of your posts as always! ^.^
The hop is going to be crazy..over 400 blogs!!
Yep, my haul is a little weird this week as well. oh I see you have the Restorer up as well as Foretold and Rot and Ruin...some good books coming up this week. You know I will be by. I forgot to add the HAlloween Hop on my post. that hop is going to be crazy!
Me too on both counts!
Haha yeah, my books are all over the place. Well, technically I don't have many physical books anymore, but I definitely go through phases of what I like to read.
me encantan estos libros!
Hahaha, me too and she is providing a giveaway on Thursday, so i am very excited to share it :)
I KNOW! I stalk her on fb. Okay maybe I don't go quite that far. But she is very aware I am a huge fan. I have made it known LOL.
It posts on Thursday and I just read Kingdom on Friday..holy graveyards this series rocks!
I am very excited for you The Restorer review (if it's not yet posted - I haven't looked at my email subscriptions today). Such a great series! And fab book haul!
Do not feel bad, I didn't even get to yours until this morning!
You had a great week Kimba! and also received some wonderful books :) I love Lori Foster's 'Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor' series so will have to give her new book a go.
I am really keen to read you thoughts on The Uninvited, I received it a few weeks back but it doesn't seem like a book for me.
Sorry I am late stopping by! I have been running around like a mad woman this past week :)
Happy reading!
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