Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi
Destroy Me
by Tahereh Mafi
Series: Shatter Me #1.5
Publisher: Harper
Publication date: October 2, 2012
Genre: Paranormal/Dystopia
Purchase*: Barnes and Noble/Amazon

Perfect for the fans of Shatter Me who are desperately awaiting the release of Unravel Me, this novella-length digital original will bridge the gap between these two novels from the perspective of the villain we all love to hate, Warner, the ruthless leader of Sector 45.Destroy Me is all about Warner and the perfect appetizer in preparation for Unravel Me, the next book in the Shatter Me series. I love Tahereh Mafi’s lyrical writing style and was excited to learn about Warner the ruthless villain, and leader of Sector 45. This novella quickly drew me in and left me spent.
In Tahereh Mafi’s Shatter Me, Juliette escaped from The Reestablishment by seducing Warner—and then putting a bullet in his shoulder. But as she’ll learn in Destroy Me, Warner is not that easy to get rid of. . .
Back at the base and recovering from his near-fatal wound, Warner must do everything in his power to keep his soldiers in check and suppress any mention of a rebellion in the sector. Still as obsessed with Juliette as ever, his first priority is to find her, bring her back, and dispose of Adam and Kenji, the two traitors who helped her escape. But when Warner’s father, The Supreme Commander of The Reestablishment, arrives to correct his son’s mistakes, it’s clear that he has much different plans for Juliette. Plans Warner simply cannot allow.
Set after Shatter Me and before its forthcoming sequel, Unravel Me,Destroy Me is a novella told from the perspective of Warner, the ruthless leader of Sector 45.
The tale picks up right where Shatter Me ended and is told from Warner’s point of view. He is injured, dealing with Juliette’s escape
and traitors in his army. Mafi shares
with us the many facets of Warner’s personality and we get to understand him. I
spent most of Shatter Me despising
Warner and in fact stated he made my skin crawl. We learned he had a dysfunctional
upbringing but in Destroy Me we get a
much clearer picture of what has made and drives Warner.
Mafi is wonderful at creating characters that illicit strong
emotion from me and then she twists them around and makes me see them in a
totally different light. Grrr! Warner,
Warner, Warner…he loves Juliette, he is lonely, afraid and so complex. When he
finds Juliette’s journal from her time in the asylum it is clear he understands
her deepest fears and his emotions are so raw. Of course, he is still an
egotistical maniac and truly believes he is the only one for her. I cannot believe
that I now care about him, I mean honestly how did this happen?? His father and
leader of this awful world is the man to fear and detest, the guy is a freak.
We get some nice world-building and a glimpse at how this
dystopian came to be. We learn more about the civilians, troops and their lives. We also discover some things about Juliette
and the people she is now with.
novella did a perfect job of preparing us for Unravel Me and I cannot wait. I recommend this to all Shatter
Me fans, the insight into Warner and the world-building make this a must
read. Unravel Me is due to release
February 5, 2013 and I have pre-ordered my copy.
I gave this novella 4.5 coffee cups out of 5.
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Review of Shatter Me
Labels: dystopia, HarperCollins, paranormal, Shatter Me, Tahereh Mafi
Haha I love that you are surprised that you care about him now. I know what you mean because I'm not sure I can bring myself to care for him, but I am really interested in reading something from his POV. I just wont this book last week so I am excited to read it.
Thanks Amber and I am glad I wasn't the only one walking around in a daze after reading this!
I'm with you! When I read Shatter Me I hated Warner and was super confused as to how some people were "Team Warner." I'm excited to have my mind blown and learn more about him!
Great review~
Amber Elise @ Du Livre
I love this author's writing style, she gets into her character's heads. Enjoy!
I have Shatter Me and so need to get reading ;) Sounds like the next in the series is great as well. One of my favorite things in a good book is being able to become emotionally invested in the characters, well it looks like I need another cuppa and to get on it. Thank you for sharing with us.
Hahaha..i emailed Harpercollins today to try for book three and tweeted author!
How I need to find time to read this series. You know what I think I will book a review and giveaway for this book for Fire and Ice. I doubt we can get the author....Want to try?
I hid to skim your review b/c I still haven't read Shatter Me but I saw it was in paperback (YAY!!) so I think I'll pick it up this weekend at my big book shopping trip to the indie bookstore! I didn't know you were a fan of this series!!
hehehe..i am a fan of many series grasshopper.
It cracks me up, we all care about Warner now!
Yes, yes, YES!! I loved this story and you are spot on in this fabulous review! I need to post mine soon - you've got me all swoony thinking about Warner ;)
I love her lyrical writing style, thanks Barbara :)
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