Waiting on Wednesday # 30
"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly meme
by Erin Bowman
Series: Taken #1
Publisher: HarperTeen
Publication date: March 27, 2013
Genre: YA Dystopian
Purchase: Barnes and Noble/Amazon/Book Depository

The Maze Runner meets Incarceron in this gripping futuristic thrill ride about an isolated town where every male vanishes on his eighteenth birthday.I love dystopian, in fact that is what started my exploration into young-adult. I am very curious about Clayroot and want to unlock the secrets as to why males vanish on their eighteenth birthday. I am ready to climb over the wall with Gray..are you?
There are no men in Claysoot. At midnight on every boy's eighteenth birthday, the ground shakes, the wind howls, a blinding light descends...and the boy is gone.The villagers call it the Heist. Gray Weathersby is prepared to meet his fate-until he finds a strange note from his mother and starts to question everything he's been raised to accept. Desperate for the truth, Gray takes his chances and climbs over the wall that surrounds Claysoot, which no one has ever crossed and survived. On the other side is a world unlike anything Gray believed possible. And the answers he finds there could be deadly. Taken is Erin Bowman's magnetic debut and the first in a trilogy that artfully blends reality and science fiction to create a haunting and unpredictable world. Perfect for fans of The Maze Runner and The Giver, with a twist that rivals M. Night Shyamalan's The Village, this hypnotic novel will have readers racing to discover the truth buried in a world built on lies.
Ever After
by Kim Harrison
Series: The Hollows #11
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication date: January 22, 2013
Genre: Adult Urban Fantasy
Purchase: Barnes and Noble/Amazon/Book Depository

The ever-after, the demonic realm that parallels our own, is shrinking, and if it disappears, so does all magic. It's up to witch-turned-daywalking-demon Rachel Morgan to fix the ever-after before the fragile balance between magic users and humans falls apart. Of course, there's also the small fact that Rachel is the one who caused the ley line to rip in the first place, and her life is forfeit unless she can fix it. Not to mention the most powerful demon in the ever-after—the soul-eater Ku'Sox Sha-Ku'ru—has vowed to destroy her, and has kidnapped her friend and her goddaughter as leverage. If Rachel doesn't give herself up, they will die.It's been almost a year and I am so ready to step back into Rachel's crazy world and woo-hoo we are going into the Ever-After!! This chick never catches a break, but I am looking forward to seeing Al and the rest of the gang. Is this on your list?
That's what I am waiting on.
What are you waiting for??
Labels: Erin Bowman, HarperCollins, HarperTeen, Hollows, Kim Harrison, Taken
I can't believe Taken isn't coming out until March! I swear I've been seeing it around the bloggosphere forever! Great choice, I really want to read it too. Here's my WOW.
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