Guest Post: Diana Quincy author of Seducing Charlotte
Today I have a guest post from author Diana Quincy and will introduce you to her debut novel Seducing Charlotte the first in a new adult historical romance series. Grab a cup of joe and enjoy!
Guest Post
Why the Most Interesting Characters
Aren’t Perfect
debut novel, Seducing Charlotte,
begins with the hero receiving a sex act from a woman he barely knows.
the reader might automatically assume the Marquess of Camryn is a rake, he isn’t.
But you don’t know that right off. Exploring Cam’s character as the story
unfolds is—I hope—one of the book’s pleasures.
real life, the fact that people aren’t all good or all bad is what makes them uniquely
interesting. My favorite novels slowly reveal different facets of a character’s
personality and I tried to bring a little of that complexity to Seducing Charlotte.
The story takes place at the dawning of the Industrial Revolution. Charlotte, an advocate of workers’ rights, automatically assumes the worst when she learns Cam is a factory owner who uses the new steam-powered looms that deprive weavers of their livelihood.
the surface, the character of Charlotte fits the spinster stereotype; she’s a
plain bluestocking who pays little attention to her appearance. You might
expect her to be shrewish and uptight, but she’s nothing of the sort.
Charlotte is smart, sensual and tends to say things that get her into trouble.
In fact, when she catches Cam in a compromising position, her reaction is the
opposite of what you might expect.
character fits a precise archetype. She’s not the frigid old maid waiting for a
hero to unlock her true passion, and he’s not the perfect but misunderstood man
who needs the love of a good woman to reform him
the story unfolds, their true characters are unveiled.
is outspoken, forward thinking and honest to a fault.
a passionate man with a temper—maybe even a bit of a dark side—that causes him
to say or do things he often regrets later. While the beginning of the book might
lead readers to believe otherwise, by
the end of the story, we’ve no doubt he has a strong sense of right and wrong.
this Goodreads reviewer put it best:
“Despite some evidence to the
contrary, he was a true gentleman. He was definitely an easy hero to
that’s exactly what I was going for. ~Diana
Seducing Charlotte
by Diana Quincy
Series: The Accidental Peers #1
Publisher: Entangled: Scandalous
Publication date: April 15, 2013
Genre: Adult Historical Romance
Purchase*: Barnes and Noble/Amazon

by Diana Quincy
Series: The Accidental Peers #1
Publisher: Entangled: Scandalous
Publication date: April 15, 2013
Genre: Adult Historical Romance
Purchase*: Barnes and Noble/Amazon

Even if he is the catch of the season, Charlotte Livingston has a low opinion of the wildly handsome Marquess of Camryn. He’s an industrialist who thinks nothing of replacing workers with machines, depriving them of an honest living. Camryn is everything a social reformer like Charlotte detests. Besides, her loyalty belongs to another man. Yet, as a violent machine-breakers rebellion rages across England, an undeniable attraction flares between the passionate adversaries. Camryn vows to destroy the rebel movement, unaware that the spinster who has captured his heart, harbors a secret - a shocking connection to one of its leaders that could shatter them both.
Sounds interesting right? How about a little teaser?
He marveled at the way the sun illuminated the clear blue in her eyes. “I won’t bother to dissemble, Miss Livingston.” Taking hold of her hand, he pulled Charlotte around the massive tree trunk, out of the sight of the rest of the guests. “I hope to steal another kiss. Actually, I have thought of little else since our last one. Will you allow it?”Excerpt
She flushed, her gaze floating beyond him. “Really, Camryn, if
you ask for permission, it hardly qualifies as stealing a kiss.”
Blood raced to his vitals when it registered she’d just told him
to take what he wanted. Shaking his head, he wondered what is was about this
woman that made him desperate to touch her again. It had been an agonizing week
since he'd last felt her lips beneath his. Now, finally offered the
opportunity, he greedily grasped it.
Cupping Charlotte’s cheeks, he marveled at their satiny softness
before lowering his face to hers, kissing one side of her succulent mouth and
then the other. Then he intensified his actions, pressing down on her lips,
bidding her to open them to him as she had once before. When she did, he kissed
her as deeply as he had ever kissed a woman.
He licked and plunged his tongue deeper, greedy to taste more,
losing himself in her subtle floral scent. She tasted of lemonade, a woman’s
softness, and unlimited possibility. Her untutored tongue ventured to taste him
as well, provoking a delighted sound of surprise from him. The wondering hum
that sounded from the back of her throat made his body quicken in a rush of
Awareness gradually filtered back to him, reminding Cam of their
surroundings. He pulled away with great reluctance, his blood at a boil, and
forced himself to take a step back lest he pull Charlotte to the grass and make
love to her right there with other guests nearby.
She stood frozen in place with her eyes still closed, red
circles burned into the high arches of her cheeks. After a moment, as if in a
daze, her lids fluttered open. He easily recognized the hazy arousal in those
unfocused blue depths for they mirrored his own.
They stood facing one another for a moment, bodies apart, but
gazes interlocked. She blinked. “When I said you had a clever tongue, I really
had no idea.”
Diana Quincy is an award-winning former television journalist who decided she’d rather make up stories where a happy ending is always guaranteed. Growing up as a foreign service brat, Diana lived in many countries and is now settled in Virginia with her husband and two sons. When not bent over her laptop or trying to keep up with laundry, she enjoys reading, spending time with her family and dreams of traveling much more than her current schedule (and budget) allows. Diana loves to hear from readers.About the Author
You can keep up
with her online at the following links:
I agree that the most interesting men aren't perfect.
What do you think?
Labels: Diana Quincy, Entangled Publishing, guest post, historical romance
It is fun finding new authors, thanks Danielle!
ha..i knew you would like that, now we need to get you to try one!
I agree Loupe it does make them fun!
I'm not usually one for historicals, but I really like your post and how you view people as not all one way or another. Fabulous post, thanks for sharing. And holy cow, that kiss!! That is an excellent kiss!
I liked the kiss too Liz!
Thanks for having me on the blog, Kimba!
Love the sound of these characters, and I really enjoyed the excerpt! I completely agree -- perfection is boring. Great post :)
I'm glad you enjoyed the excerpt! And Cam is definitely not perfect, which is why I love him.
Awesome Guest Post!! It's great to see the author give her perspective of the main characters. I am definitely intrigued. Perfect men are nothing but a pain in the ass!! Give me a man that has his faults any day!!
Hi Naomi - I feel the same way with my fictional men - perfect is boring. Although In real life, I wouldn't mind a little more perfection in my man ;)
Thanks for stopping by Danielle!
Opens with a sex act? Hell yeah! Sounds like a good book, and not just because if that. ;)
Hi Christy - I've read a few books that open with a sex act and, as an avid reader, I don't mind a bit!
I love historicals, and I'm already loving your take on creating good characters; I think it makes them so much more fan.
Looking forward to discovering your work.
Hi Loupe - Thanks! I think the fact that my characters didn't fit certain archetypes made Charlotte a little more challenging to sell. But it landed with the right editor and the reviews have been positive so far, so it's all good!
Thanks for stopping by Gaele. I hope you do find Seducing Charlotte to be entertaining if you have a chance to read it!
Hi Tobi - My BFF thinks my books have a stronger male point of view than female POV. I'm not sure I agree. I like to think both are strong!
I know I watched way too much of the news this week being home sick and finally had to turn the tv off.
This has been a particularly difficult news week. Since I left local television news, I rarely watch it.
I've been in a Historical phase of late.... looks interesting
*giggles* I am always in a historical phase, romantic suspense phase, mystery phase, dystopian phase..but I can consume a HR in a single afternoon it's a nice escape!
Now that's funny! I love books that can merge comedy in the romance novel. I love books with a male pov also! I need a good historical! Thanks for sharing!
Tobi <3
I love a good historical romance too, and try to read a few a month..thanks Tobi!
Oh it sounds fun Diana! I love when the hero and heroine are at odds a bit like that. And what a gorgeous cover! Congrats on the release. Definitely looking forward to checking it out :)
Hi Anna - I did have a lot of fun writing Seducing Charlotte and I hope people are entertained by it!
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