Blog Tour: Jocelyn Adams author of the Lila Gray Novels Guest Post/Giveaway
As part of J. Taylor Publishing's blog tour I am sharing a guest post from Jocelyn Adams author of the Lily Gray series in honor of the release of Rise of the Magi the third book in her fantasy series. Enjoy, and be sure and check out the synopsis,stunning cover and giveaway!
Author Guest Post
Creating Fantasy
believe it.
When I started writing The Glass Man, I knew I wanted my fae cities to be something new, something that might surprise my readers. When I’m searching for ideas, the most effective method for me is to put it out of my mind, and usually my subconscious eventually has an AH-HA moment. That was certainly the case with the Black City, the first fae city Lila visits. I remember thinking, what would really shock me the most if I wandered into some realm I never knew existed? Then I thought...if I was staring out at these strange buildings, wouldn’t it be neat if they stared back?
They have windows, right? Those could be eyes, the curtains their lashes. The doors could be mouths. The buildings grew from there, becoming sentient beings with feelings that could read a fae’s thoughts and take on the form of the occupant’s dream house, creating furniture, artwork,
flooring, you name it. The city became a living, shifting thing instead of a boring, static city. Often they helped Lila out of sticky situations, even saving her life at one point. The possibilities became endless.
In fantasy, if you can dream it, you can make it happen. You want a dragon heli-pad in the middle of the street? Go for it. You want trolls as police? Why not? As long as the backstory is believable and painted well, anything is possible.
One thought to keep in mind while creating a world is to not overwhelm the reader within the first three chapters. Try not to toss them into the deep end of your world right away, but to gradually ease them into it throughout the book. One of the biggest complaints I hear about
fantasy books, is that “I was confused in the beginning”. I’m a pretty bare-bones writer, keeping my description to a minimum while still painting enough of a picture for the reader to continue their own rendition of my world in their head. It’s a hard balance to achieve, but it’s totally worth the effort.
If you could step into any fantasy world for a day, what would it be? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. ~ Jocelyn
When I started writing The Glass Man, I knew I wanted my fae cities to be something new, something that might surprise my readers. When I’m searching for ideas, the most effective method for me is to put it out of my mind, and usually my subconscious eventually has an AH-HA moment. That was certainly the case with the Black City, the first fae city Lila visits. I remember thinking, what would really shock me the most if I wandered into some realm I never knew existed? Then I thought...if I was staring out at these strange buildings, wouldn’t it be neat if they stared back?
They have windows, right? Those could be eyes, the curtains their lashes. The doors could be mouths. The buildings grew from there, becoming sentient beings with feelings that could read a fae’s thoughts and take on the form of the occupant’s dream house, creating furniture, artwork,
flooring, you name it. The city became a living, shifting thing instead of a boring, static city. Often they helped Lila out of sticky situations, even saving her life at one point. The possibilities became endless.
In fantasy, if you can dream it, you can make it happen. You want a dragon heli-pad in the middle of the street? Go for it. You want trolls as police? Why not? As long as the backstory is believable and painted well, anything is possible.
One thought to keep in mind while creating a world is to not overwhelm the reader within the first three chapters. Try not to toss them into the deep end of your world right away, but to gradually ease them into it throughout the book. One of the biggest complaints I hear about
fantasy books, is that “I was confused in the beginning”. I’m a pretty bare-bones writer, keeping my description to a minimum while still painting enough of a picture for the reader to continue their own rendition of my world in their head. It’s a hard balance to achieve, but it’s totally worth the effort.
If you could step into any fantasy world for a day, what would it be? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. ~ Jocelyn
Rise of the Magi
by Jocelyn Adams
Series: Lily Gray #3
Publication date: June 4, 2013
Genre: Fantasy
Purchase*: Barnes and Noble/Amazon
*purchases through buy links support this blog

In a battle of wills, who is strongest? The one who hates or the one who loves?In a test of faith, who will fight the hardest? The one who has everything to lose or the one who believes only in herself? For Lila Gray, the answer is both. For the Magi, the questions are pointless since they can’t lose, and they’ve been waiting since before Lila’s birth for this one moment. Lila only needs to find them to understand her entire purpose in life. This time, though, instead of protecting her people, Lila may be leading them all, including her unborn child and the man she loves, to their deaths — and not by accident. In the ultimate trial of heart and soul, and the conclusion to the Lila Gray series, Lila will learn that the greatest weapon of war is herself, with one ultimate unknown. For which side will she fight?
About the Author
Jocelyn Adams
grew up on a cattle farm in Lakefield and has remained a resident of Southern
Ontario her entire life, most recently in Muskoka. She has worked as a computer
geek, a stable hand, a secretary, and spent most of her childhood buried up to
the waist in an old car or tractor engine with her mechanically inclined dad.
But mostly, she's a dreamer with a vivid imagination and a love for fantasy
(and a closet romantic — shhh!). When she isn't shooting her compound bow in
competition or writing, she hangs out with her husband and young daughter at
their little house in the woods.
International Rafflecopter Giveaway
Labels: fantasy, guest post, J. Taylor Publishing, Jocelyn Adams, Lily Gray Novel
Thanks so much for hosting me on the tour today, Kimba. Cheers!
Thanks for stopping by, Getty. Good luck in the draw. :)
Life does tend to get in the way of the old TBR list, doesn't it? I think mine is a mile long. :)
Thanks! Great to meet you, Jenea. is on my list as well.
You are welcome, I haven't read it yet but have heard wonderful things!
doesn't it look good :)
Wow, this series sounds really interesting. And I don't think I have seen them before. :)
Thanks for the giveaway! This book series sounds fascinating, and the covers draw you right in.
I keep meaning to try this series but I just haven't had the time yet! It sounds like it is so good!
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