The Sunday Post -3rd Edition

The Sunday Post -3rd Edition
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
~Happy Mother's Day~
to all the Mom's out there. May you have a wonderful day. The coffee is fresh so grab a cup! I picked up some delicious cupcakes to celebrate so enjoy....yum!
Today is Mother's Day and for those of you who do not know, I am the proud mother of three children. They are 21, 19 and 17. Two are in college and my youngest will graduate next year from high school. All of them share my passion for reading but my daughters in particular are avid readers like me. Recently, I introduced my youngest to Divergent and she quickly absorbed it. She then told me, "Mom you are awesome at picking out books!" While I miss reading to my children, being able to connect with them over a book is an incredible feeling. Read to them and you will have a book buddy for life.
This week on the blog I brought you some advanced reviews for; Big Sky Country the first book in a new cowboy romances series. What is it about a man in Levi's and cowboy boots? Dark Kiss a paranormal novel about angels and demons. I also gave you an advanced review of steampunk novel The Girl in the Clockwork Collar. I participated in Waiting on Wednesday with an exciting urban fantasy and gave you a review of Sound of Heart a historical fiction for the Sound of Heart Blog Tour. This post includes an awesome giveaway so be sure and check it out. Last but not least I shared my thoughts on Insurgent.
Coming up this week we have The Love is in Bloom Blog Hop. I will be giving one lucky winner a romance book of their choice. You will see reviews of The Last Boyfriend by Nora Roberts, Intangible by J. Meyers, Crystal Gardens by Amanda Quick and At Grave's End by Jeaniene Frost. Look for my Waiting on Wednesday post and I will also be participating in the read-a-thon Bout of Books.
That's my news and below are all the lovelies I received this week. What's happening on your blog? Be sure and link up. Have a great week! ~Kimba
Things that I Received For Review
The Doorknob Society from author
MJ Fletcher
Book two of the Doorknob Society Saga:
Impossible Engineers from author MJ Fletcher
Things that I won or was gifted
A signed copy of The Crescent by Jordan Deen
and 2 lovely bookmarks.
Books I purchased or downloaded for free
Labels: 3rd edition, The Sunday Post
Happy Mothers Day! I hope you have a wonderful day :)
The Crescent bookmarks are so pretty, I love the wolf. I've seen a lot of bloggers get excited over Throne of Glass and it's making me rather curious. I have yet to actually look into it because I have so many books on my plate right now. Great haul and happy reading!
Happy Mother's Day! and I hope you enjoy all your reads as well! ;)
happy mothers day
I really want to read Hemlock and Struck was okay.
I've heard a lot of things about A Great and Terrible Beauty :)
Awesome haul!
My Haul
Happy Mother's Day, Kimba! I finally managed to link up a post this week. :)
Happy Mother's Day! :)
A Great and Terrible Beauty looks amazing. Plus, I love the sound of that title. I'm also in love with the cover for A Throne of Glass. Jealous now :)
Enjoy reading!
My Sunday Post.
Woot great books you got!! I saw Throne of Glass around a few times and it really looks awesome! Hope you are going to love it! Oh and Hemlock? I heard awesome things about this!
Happy Mother's Day!
Wow! I want to read Hemlock too! Lovely books you've got. Happy reading! :)
Oh! and Happy Mother's Day too! :)
Throne of Glass looks great! I absolutely loved A Great and Terrible Beauty, I hope you enjoy it too (:
Happy Mother's Day! I hope your kids pamper you today - you deserve it :)
I just discovered your blog, and I like it a lot. Thanks for hosting The Sunday Post, too!
you got some real good ones! I can also tear up a gift card! LOL Just hopping thru checking out mailboxes! Come see what I got at Gimme's Goodies this week! Happy Reading!
As always, thank you for hosting this meme. Happy Mother's Day and great haul! I hope you'll enjoy your day & books! ;D
Patricia // My Week
A shopping spree is always needed ;)
happy reading this week
Ooh, I haven't actually heard of a lot of those books, but they look really great so I'll definitely be checking them out! :) I too own Struck and can't wait to see how it is. Hemlocked looks so good too. :D
Enjoy them all and have a great mother's day!
Steph @ Stepping Out of the Page
Waiting for Throne of Glass myself and that MJ Fletcher books looks really good! I loved Hemlock and I can't wait for Pres. Lincoln's movie :D
Talk Supe
Great haul! Love the wolf on the cover of The Crescent.
Pretty When She Dies looks like my kind of book. Blood and vampires. Yay! :D
Happy Reading~
Wow- you go so many books this week- I love the look of them all, the only one I've read of those is Great and Terrible Beauty, which I really enjoyed.
I'm dying to read Struck!
i really want to read throne of glass. looks/sounds fantastic. great books this week--happy reading :)
check out the books we got this week.
Happy MOther's Day Kimba! Great haul this week!
Awesome haul, Kimba! I'm really envious of your Throne of Glass. Hope you enjoy your books and happy reading! Also, happy Mother's Day!
Fab books this week. Its so nice that you can share your love with books with your children especially liking the same sort of genre. Your a cool mum :D
Happy Mothers Day to you! I'm really looking forward to Throne of Glass, I hope to read it soon, and I can't wait to hear what you think.
~ Jen @ A Book and a Latte - The Sunday Post: Book Haul & Blog News
Happy Mothers Day to you :)
I got the love of reading from my Father (who raised me alone) so I always think of him on Mothers Day, is that silly?
We had different taste in books but it was cool to each read our own books in the living room after dinner.
U got some awesome books this week! Cant wait to read sum of their reviews later on..
Happy Mothers Day Kimba! I agree with you, as a daughter I love to connect with my parents with books we read. We don't often read the same things - my dad loves sci-fi, my mom loves cozy mysteries - and well I love a little bit of ALMOST everything but mostly suspense/mysteries - but it's awesome when we DO find a book or series we can all love - like harry potter. Some of my favorite memories now of me reading harry potter to my mom. Then my dad reading them after us. My dad and I connect more on books than me and my mom do, since a lot of our tastes overlap. My parents definitely instilled reading into me from the first, my mom would read to me for as long as I would listen (which she has told me would be hours at a time even from an early age) and my parents were always reading in front of me. READ TO YOUR KIDS PEOPLE, LET THEM SEE YOU READ! :)
Hemlock is totally on my must read list/must buy list, and so is Struck! It's always so easy to burn through gift cards! The challenge is figuring out what books off the wishlist to get haha
April @ My Shelf Confessions
I just joined this meme and I love it! I'd been looking for an alternative to IMM and someone suggested this and it is perfect. Thanks so much for starting it and commenting on my post. Totally jealous of Throne of Glass! Really can't wait to read that one. I hope you enjoy all your new books and had a fabulous Mother's Day! :D
Happy Mother's Day to you as well! Throne of Glass is on my TRP. It sounds like a great book!
Thanks for sharing,
I got Throne of Glass on NG this week too. I think they just approved blogger requests, so it should be popular. I hope it's as awesome as it sounds!
Oh, I just added Throne of Glass to my TBR list. It sounds good, and the cover is pretty badass.
Sounds like you've been busy! A Great and Terrible Beauty is an amazing tril! I hope you enjoy it! And Happy belated Mother's Day! That's wonderful that you and your kids can connect about books. I'm kind of the oddball out in my family when it comes to reading! Hope you have a great week!
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