Challenge for Wicked Valentine's Read-a-Thon: Valentine’s Day Cover Ball

I hope everyone is having a blast during the Wicked Valentine's Read-A-Thon. I know I have been busy reading, chatting and entering zany challenges! So without further ado here is the next challenge for participants of the WWReadathon:
The Ball begins at 7 o'clock sharp
and we promise wicked food and entertainment!
For this challenge and to receive your ticket
using book covers show us your dress for the ball,
your date and how you will arrive.(transportation)
Here is my dress, date and mode of transportation!
So my dress is gorgeous and my date is the sexy master vampire Will from the Penton Legacy series and he is bringing me in a black ops helicopter *swoons* and remember what happens at the Wicked Valentine's Day Ball stays at the Ball. Don't worry I have rooms reserved for all of you, fuzzy slippers included! So go on find your dress, date and ride!
Have fun and leave link for your book covers.
One random commenter will receive a book of their choice
from the Book Depository or a 10.00 gift card to B&N or Amazon.
(this contest ends at 9 am Monday February 11, 2013)
See ya at the Ball!
Labels: cover love, Valentine's Day Ball, Wicked Valentine's Read-a-Thon
This challenge was so fun!!
Here's my post:
While I prefer simplicity in real life I think I was in the mood for over the top when I made my choices.
For my dress I choose this: (wedding dress?!) I love this dress but I'd probably choose a champagne/golden colour to attend the ball.
As for my date I'd go with the ever sweet Jem:
And my mode of transport would be:
Yup, the tardis because that's showing up in style. ;P
Thank you for the fun challenge! :)
Isa @ Chasing Quills
I'm going to wear the dress from Dance of Shadows because it's gorgeous! I'll take Bones from the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost, and we'll go on his motorcycle.
Dress: Dance of Shadows.
Date/motorcycle: he's not on any of the covers for the series, but here's one: One Foot in the Grave.
I apologize in advance if my date starts anything on fire, but he's a little hot-tempered and cranky when he gets in large groups of people. I'm wearing the dress from Arise by Tara Hudson, my date is Vlad from Once Burned by Jeanine Frost (I'll try to make him put a shirt on) and we'll be coming on the back of a lovely white horse from Lethal Rider by Larissa Ione.
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