Review: Fifth Grave Past the Light by Darynda Jones
Fifth Grave Past the Light
by Darynda Jones
Series: Charley Davidson #5
Publisher: St. Martin
Publication date: July 9, 2013
Genre: Adult Urban Fantasy
Source: purchase
Purchase*: Barnes and Noble/Amazon/Book Depository

Charley Davidson isn’t your everyday, run-of-the-mill grim reaper. She’s more of a paranormal private eye/grim reaper extraordinaire. However, she gets sidetracked when the sexy, sultry son of Satan, Reyes Farrow, moves in next door. To further complicate matters, Reyes is her main suspect in an arson case. Charley has vowed to stay away from him until she can find out the truth…but then dead women start appearing in her apartment, one after another, each lost, confused, and terrified beyond reason. When it becomes apparent that her own sister, Gemma, is the serial killer’s next target Charley has no choice but to ask for Reyes’ help. Arsonist or not, he’s the one man alive who could protect Gemma no matter who or what came at her. But he wants something in return. Charley. All of her, body and soul. And to keep her sister safe, it is a price she is willing to pay.The Charley Davidson series is one of my absolute favorite series, and as each book releases I greedily devour them as I laugh, sigh and find myself rapidly quoting the book and talking about it to anyone who is unfortunate to be in my general vicinity. I also contemplated changing my wardrobe to strictly t-shirts and joining leagues with the dark side.
So we all know who moved in next store? *faints* Poor Charley has other things to think about right now. She needs to focus and when Reyes slinks around all panther like and smexy no one can think. Oh, we can think but not about the case, instead our thoughts are filled with his smexy smile, his hair, his get the picture. Charley needs answers: Is Reyes the arsonist in a recent string of fires? Where did all of the terrified dead woman and children wandering around in her apartment come from? Is Garret ok after his trip to hell and why does the police chief suddenly have an interests in her success rate? Charley’s latest case causes all kinds of problems because nothing is ever easy. But forget about all that! Sure those storylines are all fascinating, suspenseful, action-packed and filled with danger, and snark but the best part of the tale that unfolded was Reyes Farrow. If you loved him before you will be signing up to sell your soul to the son of Satan."Coffee was that place where the sun comes up over the horizon and lights the heavens in a burst of vibrant colors."
I absolutely love the characters Jones has created in this series from the main characters to the ones in her latest case. Charley is a riot and her snarky humor is her way of dealing with life as a Grim Reaper and I would hang out with her anytime. While she still is getting her ass handed to her, she is also developing some pretty wicked skills and learning more about who she is. I just love the things that pop out of her mouth and Jones makes her so three dimensional. Now you have to understand just how deep my love for Charley goes because Reyes only has eyes for her and I haven’t had thoughts of killing her! Now if she happens to cross-over and leave Reyes unattended I would totally take advantage of the situation. Let’s dish about Reyes shall we? I have always loved him, but admittedly he has been mysterious, standoffish and at times possessive but in Fifth we see so many sides of him and ooh-la-la. I am not just talking about his smexy bod, his mile long eye lashes or his panther like moves and sexual aura. I am also talking about his smile, humor, touchy feeling side. The steps he has taken/takes to protect and care for Charley and how he made post-it notes the sexist thing on the planet. *I should totally hate Charley but I am too busy staring at Reyes to notice.* Cookie is back, and gads the girl is the best side kick ever! Uncle Bob and Charley’s family are present and add to both the suspense and humor of the tale. Garrett is working on something after his little vacation in hell, and holy Toledo this thread is so interesting.“You,” he said, his voice lowering an octave. “I want you, Dutch, body and soul. I want you in my bed every night. I want you there when I wake up in the morning. I want your clothes strung across my apartment and your scent on my skin.”
In Fifth Grave Past the Light we not only get some great cases and smexy time with Reyes, but we also see plot growth and character development making it one of my favorite in the series thus far. Answers! yes, we finally get some answers about Charley and Reyes concerning their abilities, destiny and powers. Eep! The overall ARC is getting intense and where it is headed has me shivering in anticipation. We see growth in their relationship and get some downright deliciously hot sexy time too! Let’s just say I will never look at utensils the same again. Jones can spin a tale with elements of dark and light and everything in between making making me laugh, snort, lose track of time, sigh and even shed a tear or two. She is brilliant and left me with just enough of a cliffhanger to have me counting down the days till once again I can lose myself and capture that book high only her blend of awesome can create.He quirked a brow. “How would you like your eggs? I tried. I really did. But I glanced at his crotch and it came out anyway. “Fertilized?”
"Charley, you're putting me in an awkward position." "Then paint polka dots on me and call me Twister, but I think you can sweet-talk your boss."
For fans of the series Fifth Grave Past the Light is a must
read and an exciting addition to this amazing-tastic series. If you aren’t
stalking Darynda Jones and this series- you should be! Sixth Grave On the Edge is due out in
2014. My coffee and I are waiting.
Five cups of coffee out of five straight from Charley's Mr. Coffee pot
Five cups of coffee out of five straight from Charley's Mr. Coffee pot
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Labels: adult, Charley Davidson series, Darydra Jones, Reyes Farrow, St. Martin, urban fantasy
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