Take Control of Your TBR Pile Read-a-Thon March 15th to 18th

To help those who are taking part in the month long Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge (you can still sign up) and anyone else who wants to catch up on some of those reads collecting dust I will be hosting a read-a-thon. Anyone can join in! The only requirement is that the books read must have been published before March 2013. Each day there will be fun challenges and prizes to help motivate you. You can link up using your blog, Goodreads,
Facebook, or Tumblr account..or anywhere you can post your goals and results. This way we can cheer you on!
On twitter use hashtag #TakeControlRAT to share your progress and follow others, also look for challenge updates.
If you are interesting in hosting a challenge please contact me at this email.
Grab the button and invite others to join in!

Link up and prepare to have some fun!
Sounds marvelous! I know I have tons of books on my shelves that I want to get read. :)
I'm in, this is my very first one of these :-). Excited & hoping to reduce my tbr monster. Prob not, I seem to add 5 for every one I read!
Kim I am SO annoyed that I didn't clear my schedule for this :( Maybe next time...I'd already signed up to a lot of book tours, no wonder you posted it up really early. I liked how you done the linky with the blog's button :D
I know what you mean. I am reading books now for April and May, so I wanted plenty of time for others to organize their schedules. I am co-hosting a Clean Sweep ARC Challenge in May which might me good for you!
Im excited for this, the last month before the weather gets really nice and I seem to have a ton o books to bust through. I have some mandatory for review reads and books I want to get read by the start of April. Ill be a reading gal. I am stocking up on the 5 Hour Energy drinks now! lolz
that is Awesome Fran...i of course will have tons of coffee!
We are gonna have so much fun!
Of course I'm in for this one, too :) Can't wait!
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