Review/Giveaway: Love and Other Perishable Items by Laura Buzo
Today is another post for Fiery Hot Reads for Icy Cold Nights and while Love and Other Perishable Items is not really a romance, it is a journey in one girl's life over the course of a year as she experience many firsts. Enjoy my review and be sure and enter to win a copy.
Love and Other Perishable Items
by Laura Buzo
Publisher: Knopf/Random House
Publication date:
Genre: YA Contemporary
Purchase*: Barnes and Noble/Amazon/Book Depository

Love is awkward, Amelia should know. From the moment she sets eyes on Chris, she is a goner. Lost. Sunk. Head over heels infatuated with him. It's problematic, since Chris, 21, is a sophisticated university student, while Amelia, 15, is 15. Amelia isn't stupid. She knows it's not gonna happen. So she plays it cool around Chris—at least, as cool as she can. Working checkout together at the local supermarket, they strike up a friendship: swapping life stories, bantering about everything from classic books to B movies, and cataloging the many injustices of growing up. As time goes on, Amelia's crush doesn't seem so one-sided anymore. But if Chris likes her back, what then? Can two people in such different places in life really be together? Through a year of befuddling firsts—first love, first job, first party, and first hangover—debut author Laura Buzo shows how the things that break your heart can still crack you upLove and Other Perishable Items by Laura Buzo takes us into the minds and lives of two young people over the course of year. Buzo delivers humor, heartbreak and beautifully captures youth on the verge of adulthood in all of it awkward glory.
The tale begins when we meet Amelia a fifteen year old middle child who works at the local grocery. Her co-worker Chris is a twenty-one year old college student with an outgoing personality whom she secretly crushes on. The author takes us into both of their lives over the course of a year as she fleshes them out. We see a lot of firsts for Amelia and get to see things from Chris’s point of view making this an interesting tale. I would not call this a love story but a coming of age story.
I liked Amelia from the start, she is a bright and naïve "good" girl. She does not have a lot of “street cred” and is at times socially awkward, for instant she does know what a bowl is. Her crush on Chris is sweet, and the descriptions and fantasies she had were hilarious. Chris is exactly what you would expect a twenty-one year old boy to be. He is charming, aloof and still lives at home. He is still smarting from his break-up with his first love and longs for the perfect relationship. The prospect of finishing college and moving on with the next phase of his life scares him and I found his perspective interesting. The other employees added to the tale and were all at different phases in their lives with unique personalities.
I laughed at how they referred to the grocery store where they all work as “The Land of Dreams”. The relationship between Chris and Amelia is sweet and at times downright adorable. I loved their banter and her awkward blushes. There isn’t a lot of dialogue its more their perspectives and thoughts. We literally experience life through their eyes and I think that is what makes this so unique. The tale is first told through Amelia and then we slip back in time to see it through Chris’s eyes. Some may argue that not a lot happens, but I think the author beautifully depicted youth for a lot of us and her message was special. While we do not get any real closure at the end Buzo does give us hope.
I would recommend Love and Other Perishable Items to fans of coming of age stories. While I didn’t flip over this, I certainly appreciated and enjoyed it. I laughed and thought back to my own firsts. Buzo’s writing style was unique and I enjoyed this first Australian author read.
I want to thank Random House for providing this ARC in exchange for my unbiased review.
Three cups of Outback coffee out of five
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Thanks to Random House I have a finished copy of
Love and Other Perishable Items to giveaway:
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Labels: Knopf publishing, Laura Buzo, random house, YA Contemporary
I have yet to have a first love but my first crush lasted nine years! Thanks for the giveaway!
mestith at gmail dot com
Kim Love the review and I LOVE the fiery hot reads pic too
Happy V day to you
thanks for the fun giveaway! My first crush was a 6th grader named Josh when I was in the 5th grade :)
This sounds like an adorable book and I like the sound of Amelia. She sounds like a great character
I thought it was sweet.
I really enjoyed this book too! Amelia's street cred! teehee. She's such a swet girl though I liked her character a lot. It was really a book about nothing, though! I also found the ending was a bit quick but it's great for a fluffy read for a change of pace!
I agree it was a nice between book!
My first crush was Sean Cassidy and I think I was probably 9. Your first crush is always the best LOL
haha..omg I had a wall size poster in my room!
My first crush was in 1 st grade, I thought he was sooo cute, and I somehow got the notion that he thought I was cute too. Of course, we probably said a a total of 10 words to each other the entire school year. Oh, first (grade) love.
aww :)
I think my first real crush was Michael Jackson circa 83/84. Thriller Album time. My cousin Melanie bought me the Thriller album for my bday & I played it on my fisher price record player and she kissed my HUGE MJ poster. he was wearing a yellow cardigan. Stew Leonards Supermarket has a wishing well & I used to wish to marry MJ or drive in a limo to the grammy awards with him..lolz..
ok now that song is in my head
My very first crush was in kindergarten, and it was Matt Wallace -- I would chase and chase him on the playground. That continued through fourth grade when he moved away. I never did catch him and not sure I would have known what to do if I had! you ever wonder where he is and who caught him?
Nice review about the main character.
This sounds great! My first crush... wow. I loved him for ten years, 3 to 13. And then he said something mean and I didn't love him anymore, lol.
he didn't deserve you!
I adore this cover, and I think this is one I would enjoy! As for my first crush - I would rather talk about my book crush: Four from Divergent was the first fictional boy that I couldn't stop thinking about and that I compare all other fictional boys to. My list has grown, but he's still #1. Wonderful review, lovely!
aww Four is so cute!
I don't really read contemporaries, but this sounds soooo adorable. I do get nervous though about the whole "underage" thing. My first crush was Alice Cooper!
Yeah for Alice Cooper and no worries...this was a crush and not a romance
My first love was a boy when I was in Kindergarten. He gave me a really nice watch - that was his mom's. He asked for it back and in typical 5 year old fashion I wouldn't. The next day it was in my pants pocket and my mom washed it. it was in pieces :(
oh no...
This sounds like a really cute first I was thrown thinking 15 & 21??!! But it sounds as if it's not an intense relationship and that it's handled well:)
no it's a crush and no lines were crossed
I really enjoyed this one. I know that it's not right for a 15 year old and a 21 year old to be together but I still found myself hoping they could figure it out. It would be cool to see them in the future and maybe a couple when she's older.
Glad you enjoyed it!
yeah, they were sweet together and I am glad the author didn't go there...this is where I think some folks will be disappointed, they want that romance
One of the reasons I enjoy your reviews is that you're always straight with your readers about what you liked and what you didn't -- and why. This looks like a fun book, but not my usual my cup of tea, though I'd probably enjoy it. (Maybe if my TBR list wasn't quite as overwhelming!)
thanks Lark...i appreciate the feedback..:)
Wow, this one is different. I would sure hope it's not a love story because the ages. But if it's a coming of age story, then it makes sense. I think many of us can relate to older guy crushes when we were young.
nope, not a love story
Ahhh! This sounds so cute Kimba! I've been wanting this book for a while but just haven't found the time to get to it. I'm in the mood for a fun, lighter read that's really satisfying. I don't need it to be one that blows my mind, though those of course are always awesome:) Thank you for the chance to win!
good luck and thank you
I liked their banter and awkward moments too. Amelia made it such a sweet coming of age.
Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog
yeah that was some of the best moments
hmmm do you ever wonder what happen to him?
I think you would enjoy this one Jenea!
I really liked your review. Yours is the first one I've read so I didn't have any preconceived notions. I do like coming of age books and this story sounds great but It almost sounds like it was written to be a movie. It reminds me of some of those old movies I used to watch from the 90's where everyone sits around talking about life. Still sounds like a cute story, though.
Seriously, thanks for ALL the giveaways!!! I really didn't think you'd have one on this one... lo and behold... you so crazy!!!
me crazy for sure and yes this would make a neat movie!
I think I liked this a bit more than you. I personally adored Chris and I loved all the witty banter. It was disappointing that there was no HEA but that is the way real life goes sometimes. I didn't enter sinceI have a copy but I tweeted for you!
thanks and this was sweet and the banter was fun.
I favored Chris's pov as well and quite liked the ending
I agree that both Chris' and Amelia's POVs were very unique,but I think I preferred Chris' for some reason. My favorite thing about this book was the ending, because even though I was upset at first, I realized there was really no other way.
Great review!
My first crush was on the Sheriff's son who was also our school bus driver! Wow was he ever a good kid and so very kind to the chubby girl on the bus! Sounds like a great story and would love to read it!
aww that is sweet Beth!
This one sounds really sweet, funny and cute but not something I think I'd pick up despite loving coming of age stories - I need there to be romance as well ;)
A great review! :)
Yeah, this was sweet, but not really a romance.
I like that you described the girl as a good girl and that she is socially awkward at times. I've seen this book around but this is the first review I have read of it.
Thanks for the review and happy valentines day! :)
welcome and happy valentines day to you too Michelle!
I think we felt the same way about this one, a good read but nothing to get too excited about.
Great, honest review.
thanks, it was really a coming of age.
awww..that is sweet!
Not something I would rush to get, but read it if I had it.yes
I like to mix things up
this was different,funny and sweet
I wasn't sure about this book when I first heard about it, but I'm really interested in it now. I am incapable of love or crushing. lol
thanks Deb, this hop has been fun :)
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