Review: Imaginable by J. Meyers
by J. Meyers
Series: Intangible #2
Publication date: April 16, 2013
Genre: YA Paranormal
Source: Author in exchange for unbiased review
Purchase*: Barnes and Noble/Amazon
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My review of book one: Intangible

Last year I read and enjoyed Intangible the first book in J. Meyers Intangible series and I found it to be a refreshing tale filled with Fae, prophecy, vampires and danger, so I was excited to dive into Imaginable book two of the series. Imaginable quickly drops us back into this exciting world as our protagonists confront danger and move towards stopping the prophecy. Three word review: captivating, magical and action-packed.Twins Sera and Luke Raine’s unusual abilities are growing. Sera is healing vampires now, making them human again. And, at times, Luke can actually change the future he Sees. But Sera’s healing has dangerous consequences, and though Luke is altering the outcome of more visions, he can’t control them yet. Now Sera is in danger as the dark creatures of the Realm seek to use her. As Luke struggles to master his gift in order to save his sister, he discovers even more about his powers. And what he learns just may put him in greater danger than Sera has ever been.
From the previous book we know that twins Sera and Luke possess
special gifts. Sera can heal and Luke can see the future. Meyers wasted no time
diving back into the action and for those who haven’t read book one, I fear you
will be lost and confused at the onset. It took me a minute to recall characters etc. Word has spread about Sera’s previous
healings and the unintended consequences. Soon a group of paranormal
creatures want Sera to heal them, and they will stop at nothing to get what
they want. Action packed and filled with danger, suspense, and a little romance
this tale kept me swept up in the never ending action.
The tale is told from the POV’s of Sera and Luke with a few
POV’s from Fey and Jonas allowing us a closer look at the characters
themselves. I like the twins, despite
the fact that they tend to react rather than think things through. Of the two
Sera sometimes grated on my nerves as she repeatedly ignored warnings from
others. Fey and Quinn were ever present
and I enjoyed them. We learned more about Fey and I love how her character is
fleshed out. I really enjoyed some of the more tender moments she shared with
Luke. We meet a new light elf, who I am
oh so curious about and see old enemies and friends. Ooh, and my favorite character, Jonas is back
with a lot of face time! He is loyal, super cute and oh so deadly! I am enjoying the interaction between Sera
and Jonas from their banter to the delicious courtship that is developing. I am
anxious to see how it develops, despite being forbidden it feels genuine. We
see growth in abilities and character growth. In book two we get a closer look at how the characters develop and see relationships forming. Of course we have plenty of villains who add
to the suspense.
Meyers knows how to deliver a fast paced tale with
characters you easily connect with. Luke and Sera’s abilities along with the paranormal
world she has created offer up not stop action. Several twists and subplots
kept me flipping the pages. The world-building is one aspect I enjoy as we
travel between realms, and learned about the prophecy but I didn't feel like this advanced the plot and it fell into that middle book syndrome. The descriptions were beautiful and I could clearly see the scenes before me. I
consumed this in a few hours and enjoyed it but felt the plot wavered a bit and would have liked to see it be more focused. The romantic aspects are
served as a side dish to the tale itself and Meyers does a wonderful job of
weaving all of the threads together and making them feel genuine. As I closed the book, I was left wanting more and feel we have come around full circle and are ready to discover what happens next.
Fans of Intangible
will enjoy Imaginable the second book
in this action-packed series. Want more
Jonas, read the novella, Indomitable.
At this time there is no news on the third books expected publication.
Three and half coffee cups out of five
Labels: Intangible, J. Meyers, paranormal, YA
this a fun one and I look forward to seeing what happens
Sounds like an interesting series! I haven't come across it before.
yeah, I wanted more but the series is good!
I had read another review that said pretty much the same thing about the series not being moved forward enough for that reader. But like you, I really love the characters and the world so I bought a copy when it came out. I just need time to read it ;)
Great review!!!
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