Giveaway: Fiery Hot New Adult Reads
Today is the kick off for my week as host of Fiery Hot Reads for Icy Cold Nights. I am going to share some of the New Adult books I have recently read and offer you the chance to win a new adult book(s) of your choice from Barnes and Noble or Amazon valued at up to ten dollars. After you enter be sure and visit the other stops. We have some awesome blogs participating with some excellent reads to keep you warm on a cold winters night!

What is the New Adult genre ?
These are books featuring characters that range in age from 18-25 and are either in college or just starting out on their own. While books featuring characters of this age have existed forever, publishers and book stores are now housing them under this new genre. These are perfect books for those aging out of young adult or who want books with a little spice.
Here are a few I recommend:

Rafflecopter GiveawayTo introduce you or simply feed your already festering addiction to the New Adult genre I am giving away a gift card from either B&N or Amazon to feed your reader. Open to anyone who has access to B&N or Amazon!
Check out these awesome posts and giveaways! Each day different blogs will be participating so be sure to check in daily for your chance to win and discover new Fiery hot reads!Today's Stops on the Fiery Hot Reads for Ice Cold Nights Hop

Barbara@Basia's Book Shelf:Michelle Leighton: Bad Boy
Labels: Fiery hot Reads for Icy Cold Nights, giveaway, New Adult
I have never read one!
I would recommend The Edge of Never by J.A Redmerski.
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I just picked up Gabriels Inferno....came highly recommended by my girlfirend!
Thanks for the great giveaway! I just read and loved
Losing It by Cora Carmack
I haven't ventured into NA before so here's hoping it will be soon!
Catalyst by Laurie Halsie Anderson ,at least I think it was NA.
I haven't read any New Adult books
My favorite New Adult reads would be the Slammed series by Colleen Hoover, Easy by Tammara Webber, amd Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry.
actually haven't read any new ones lately!
Not sure if I read one yet
I loved all of Colleen Hoover's books, The Secret of Ella and Micha by Jessica Sorensen, Easy, The Edge of Never, and the Crash series. So far, I haven't read one I don't like:p Thanks for the great giveaway!
I'm not exactly sure what New Adult is, but I like all books
I have a few NA books on my Kindle but have not had time to read them yet.
I have Hopeless in my Kindle. I think I have read a few NA books and not even realized it! Thank you for the giveaway Kim :)
Plan b or Beautiful Bastard
I'm slowly trying some New Adult. I enjoyed Easy by Tammarra Webber.
I'm still unsure of the New Adult category.
I need to read more NA. I really am going to fit some in during March. Oh yes, I am!
Charade and The Edge of Never are fantastic New Adult reads. I am loving this event!
I haven't read any New Adult books yet, or at least, not that I know of. Really want to try some, it looks like an interesting genre! :-) A lot of people seem to love Easy, so perhaps that's a good place to start? :-)
I had started reading thoughtless but never got a chance to finish it when life got in the way. I was liking it thought, thinking of buying it to finish :)
I loved Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire and Easy by Tammara Webber!
Well, I don't think I've read any that have been called "new adult" but I am getting into it as I learn about! Hearing Flight by Alyssa Ivy Rose is pretty good! Trying to get myself a copy of that!
Thnaks for the giveaway!! :D
I never even knew New Adult was a separate genre. I haven't read anything in it yet.
I don't think I've read a NA book yet. However, I have heard lots of good things about The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden. You could try that if you haven't read it yet. :)
I haven't read many NA's, but I LOVED Pushing the Limits. Really amazing and I recommended it to a psych professor friend as possible reading for her adolescent psychology class.
I haven't read too many NA's, but I've heard good things about Losing It.
I have a lot of favorites: Easy by Tammara Webber, My Favorite Mistake by Chelsea M. Cameron, Losing It by Cora Carmack, Slammed and Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover, Charade by Nyrae Dawn.
Thank you for the giveaway!
so far i haven't read any NA book i think so i can't recommend one
One of my favorites in Charade by Nyrae Dawn. I also loved Hopeless by Colleen Hoover and The Edge of Never by JA Redmerski.
I am definitely getting into some of the New Adult books. I love Losing It and will be reading the Coincidence of Callie And Kayden very sooon!
NA feels silly to me. I do not want YA with sex, cos that is was it feels like. If I want sex >I will read an adult book where there is less drama
I've read a ton of new adult books but just a few that I loved are Hopeless, Pushing the Limits, Losing it, Easy, Beautiful Disaster, Thoughtless, My Favorite Mistake, Deeper We Fall, Fallen Too Far, etc...
Christina K. in the rafflecopter
Easy by Tamara Webber, Hopeless by Colleen Hoover:)
Thank you:)
I liked Hopeless, Pushing the Limits, Dare You To...
I haven't read any New Adult books yet, but I want to read Beverley Kendall's When in Paris.
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