Review/Giveaway: Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi

Today I am excited to share my review and giveaway of Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi during my week hosting the Fiery Hot Reads for Icy Cold Nights Blog Hop. Who doesn't have a problem believing that Adam or Warner could keep them warm? Enjoy my review, enter to win a copy and then visit all of the blogs participating in today's blog hop.
Unravel Me
by Tahereh Mafi
Series: Shatter Me #2
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication date: February 5, 2013
Genre: YA Dystopian
Purchase*: Barnes and Noble/Amazon/Book Depository
Publisher provided ARC for unbiased review

by Tahereh Mafi
Series: Shatter Me #2
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication date: February 5, 2013
Genre: YA Dystopian
Purchase*: Barnes and Noble/Amazon/Book Depository
Publisher provided ARC for unbiased review

Tick tick tick tick tick it's almost time for war. Juliette has escaped to Omega Point. It is a place for people like her—people with gifts—and it is also the headquarters of the rebel resistance. She's finally free from The Reestablishment, free from their plan to use her as a weapon, and free to love Adam. But Juliette will never be free from her lethal touch. Or from Warner, who wants Juliette more than she ever thought possible. In this exhilarating sequel to Shatter Me, Juliette has to make life-changing decisions between what she wants and what she thinks is right. Decisions that might involve choosing between her heart—and Adam's life.Unravel Me was one of my most anticipated reads for 2013 and Mafi gave me exactly what I craved from her lyrical writing style to the way she captures Juliette’s fears and thoughts. I was completely swept up in the second installment of the Shatter Me series. A few twist, a messy, wonderful, rip-your-heart-out-love triangle and a fight for the oppressed kept me spellbound.
Unravel Me
literally picks up where Shatter Me
ends and we find Juliette below ground dealing with her affliction or gift;
depending on her mood. Omega Point is an underground facility where others with
gifts like her are working together to fight the Reestablishment and all that
it stands for. Juliette struggles to fit
in, and longs for more time with Adam and fears Warner is coming for her. With gut-wrenching revelations, war and
betrayal the tale that unfolds will blow your mind.
We see a lot of character growth and get to know some key characters in this second book. Juliette still struggles and worries about rejection. She questions whether here is any better than there and who is right. Sometimes her emotional baggage consumes her and Mafi beautifully captures her thoughts and emotions. Poor, Juliette has to make difficult decisions regarding Adam and Warner. Unexpected complications make it so much harder for her, and I really felt for her. We also see tremendous growth in her abilities and a maturing in her personal growth. Has she emerged as the kick-ass heroine I believe she is capable of being? No not yet, but we catch glimpses of her. Adam, sweet, Adam *swoons* He loves Juliette but oh the secrets he is keeping. Warner is back and my feelings for him wavier between pity and love. Those who haven’t read the novella Destroy Me, will gain more insight into his life and even those of us who did will learn more about him and his dear old Dad. A clever twist changes thing and we see some really raw emotions from him. He has a line in this tale that just about unraveled me! We really get to know Kenji more and I liked this soft-spoken leader. I almost wished he were the love interest. His role directly impacts Juliette and a lot of her growth he brought to fruition.
I hate love triangles except in a few situations. One of
those is Cynthia Hand’s Unearthly
series and the other is this one. Mafi makes it all seem very real and plausible. Juliette’s background, personality and
situation all led to this tidal wave of emotions and uncertainty. The dystopian aspect of the tale is
interesting and we gained more insight into what happened to create this
oppressive government. The abilities of the resistance are unique and there missions interesting. As news of Omega and the resistance reaches civilians we
see them begin to rise up, and make a stand. The complexities of the male
relationships and back story were fascinating and I am anxious to see how they unfolds. I have to talk about Mafi’s
writing style; how do I even begin to express the beauty of it? It slides of the paper
like honey or music to my brain. Her descriptive language for even the most mundane things takes on an elegant beauty. Between the journal entries and the thoughts racing
through Juliette’s head we literally breathe in and consume her emotions. The tale just flows and I am able to complete immerse myself into it. The romantic scenes are some of the most beautiful
and emotional I have ever read. Here are
two tender moments with Juliette and ?!?
“All I know next are
his arms, the desperate edge to his voice when he says my name, and I'm
unraveling in his embrace, I'm frayed and falling apart and I'm making no
effort to control the tremors in my bones and he's so hot his skin is so hot
and I don't even know where I am anymore.” Unravel Me
"I want to be the
friend you fall hopelessly in love with. The one you take into your arms and
into your bed and into the private world you keep trapped in your head. I want
to be that kind of friend," he says. "The one who will memorize the
things you say as well as the shape of your lips when you say them. I want to
know every curve, every freckle, every shiver of your body, Juliette--"
Unravel Me
Mafi made me melt. I could have easily consumed this in a
day, but forced myself to do it in two so that I could savior it. This is a
series I will re-read and except for a few classics..I never do that.
If you cannot tell after this fangirl gushing review, I love
this author and series. Unravel Me is
worth every penny and needs to adorn your bookshelf. While I was angered by the
cover change I must say it is lovely. Now I begin the painful journey of
waiting for book three due out in 2014. How about another novella to tide me
over? *hint* Unravel Me confirms Tahereh
Mafi as an auto-buy for me. I will purchase any book she writes.
Five Chocolate Dalmatian coffees out of five with a dollop of
whipped cream
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US only Rafflecopter Giveaway
HarperCollins will give one US winner a copy of Unravel Me
Check out these awesome posts and giveaways! Each day different blogs will be participating so be sure to check in daily for your chance to win and discover new Fiery hot reads!Today's Stops on the Fiery Hot Reads for Ice Cold Nights Hop

Veronica@ Mostly Reviews:Rachel Hawkins: Hex Hall
Labels: dystopian, HarperCollins, Tahereh Mafi, YA
Great Review. So glad you liked it. I still have to pick up this series
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Fingers will be crossed for the next 18 days!!! I cannot wait to see what's going to happen next. I am a huge Warner fan -- love the bad boys, even if they're a lil bit crazy, too!! ;)
By the way, I want to tell you how much I've enjoyed this whole event. It's just been spectacular! I will admit that at the beginning I figured it would just be all traditional romance novels, maybe some erotica, neither of which is really my bag...but y'all have been so creative in thinking what makes a "fiery hot read," and I've really loved the event!!! Great job...I'm sure it's been a lot of work!
I don't have a team yet, but I do have the first book >< Must read :D (This is Darith L.)
Team Warner all the way! I can't wait to read this book, Shatter Me was so good.
Wow, amazing rating. I've been hearing several loving this series up. Thank you!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I've only read book 1 so Team Adam right now but I have been reading reviews that have made me think I might be switching ;)
I adored Shatter Me, and I guess that I really need to read Destroy Me. I have to sat that I am still undecided when it come to Warner and Adam. Something about Warner.... I don't know, I like him. Awesome review.
How about... conflicted? THANKS, DESTROY ME -.-
lol thank you for the giveaway! :)
hehehe..i feel your pain Alyssa :)
probably team adam
I cannot even begin to express how much I love this author
AHHHHHHHHH!! Buying it right now, I have been putting it off to catch up on my pile. Screw the TBR!
hahaha...dude you sound like me..when I want it..i want it now!!!!
did you read Destroy Me??? I was 100% Adam till I read that and now I go back and forth..hehehe
I didn't read the whole review *I admit* but only because I refuse to read any because I don't want to know anything about the plot. This is also one of my most anticipated 2013 books. I hope to read it very soon and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
that is ok..cannot wait for you to read it!
be sure and read the novella Destroy Me, I was all team Adam until then and after this book...grr i want them both!
I really need to read this series, it sounds so good and everyone is raving about it! :-) Great review!
I love the author, good luck!
I don't have a team for this series (yet). :( I love your review though, this book sounds reeeeally good and I've seen great reviews on Shatter Me as well. Thanks for the giveaway!
you are welcome and hope you read Shatter Me soon!
Sorry for my english (I actually speak french). Anyways, I loved your review! This is exactly how I felt about Unravel me. I really love Warner, and eventhough it does not seem indispensable to read destroy me, I really think it is! Warner's perspective makes a few things easier to understand in book two; also, there are some references to "Destroy me". I can't wait for the book three (I actually couldn't wait for this one to get translated and read it in English, this was an amazing reading experience, it's definitely amazing, and I felt closer to Mafi's words).
Warner, Warner, Warner <3
I haven't yet read the books, so I'm not on a team.
Well I cannot wait to hear who you pick when you do..good luck!
did you read novella Destroy Me? You must read it..squee!
Oh I'm SO glad you loved this one too! Very happy to see more Kenji love, he's the best! :-)
I adore Tahereh's writing. You're so right, she makes even the most mundane moments beautiful. Lovely review!
thanks Lauren and yes I loved Kenji <3
Lots of books make for fiery hot reads, and I do not review erotica but i do love a good traditional romance, you will find i like a diverse amount of genres as do most of the hosts. Thank you for the lovely comment, yes it was hard work, but we all had a blast doing it!
I've been hearing so much about this series, all of it positive! It's now on my TBR list. I can't pick a team yet; I haven't read the first one. But from the sound of things, I suspect I'll like Adam better.
hehehe..that is how i started out and now i am so torn..
Wow, I hate having to pick.........Eeny, meeny, miney moe - Warner for now. I am female, I can change my mind later. :)
hahaha..yes we can!
I haven't read it yet..i can't wait to read it thanks
good luck Katie!
I am a team Warner fan! Uhhhh the first book was sooooooooo amazing! I need this book so so so so bad! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for this giveaway!
you are so welcome Ashley and yeah Warner is dreamy :)
I just won a copy of this book from Heidi!! I am so excited! I can't wait to read it :)
Great review! I'm even more excited to read it now. Hope you are having a great weekend kimba :)
that is wonderful and ooh it is so good!
Super excited for this one and you made me even moreso, Kimba! I love Tahareh's writing style she really puts you in the character's head and I loved that part in Shatter Me! I also want to read the novella which I keep hearing is fantastic as well! So many great reviews for this one I have to get it stat!!
I don't have a team yet, but I do have the first book >< Must read :D
Team Warner...only if I have to choose between the two. But I would be team Both if I could!
i know it's so hard !
AHHHHHHHH!!! SO EXCITED FOR THIS KIMBA!!! I'm so nervous though. I was solidly Team Adam after Shatter Me, but I've heard so much about Warner and I worry he's going to sway me to his side in this book. I want to be loyal Kimba, I do. But I think it's going to be hard:)
did you read the novel Destroy Me?? I totally recommend that you do! It is all about Warner's funny I hated Warner in book one, fell in love in Destroy Me and love both boys now :(
I think that I will enjoy her writing style, and I like the sound of Juliette's character. I think that I would relate with her. I need to make some time on my tbr for this one.
I love the way she's magical
IF I had to choose, Team Warner!
Warner *swoons*
Gah! Yet another series I haven't had the time for! March. March is the month to play catch up! I need to start all these great series I am missing out on!
hehehe..i have so many books i want to read in March it is ridiculous
I can't be on either team because I haven't read it yet. Still on my TBR, but definitely at the top, haha.
are you signed up for my Take Control of Your TBR pile could read it then !!
I am glad this one worked for you so well :) It does sound like the triangle wasn't to distracting and/or the story was so good that the triangle just simply didn't matter!
either way, and the writing is wonderful
I'm so glad you enjoyed it, I loved it!
so much to love about it!
I've had Shatter Me for a long time. But guess what. I'm reading it in MARCH!!!
*happy dance and fist pumps*
I do hate to wait, I detest to wait. Yes waiting sucks ;)
*nods head*
be sure and read the novella Destroy Me!!!
Team Warner all the way! :D
I admire your commitment. I teeter <3
I haven't read the first one, but I will say I am curious about meeting this Warren!
ooh you must!
haven't read it yet, so don't know
we must remedy this...good luck!
I have so much love for this book! I despise love triangles, but Tahereh really made this one work even for me. I think the entire thing is wonderful, and her writing style is off the charts. I'm so glad you love this series just as much as I do. It makes me happy. :)
*nods head*
I can't be on either team because I haven't read it yet. Still on my TBR, but definitely at the top, haha.
good luck with the this series!
The love triangle only managed to frustrate me in this, unfortunately, but I still really liked it overall. I'm glad you're a Kenji fan. He was probably my favourite character here. Great review! :)
Well as I said I am usually not a fan, but this one works for me, I am glad you liked it. Kenji rocks!
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